Total Money Spent Outside of Regular Budget $133.34 so far this month:
- $35.51 spent on fast food this past week!!! WOW! But really, I don't know how I could've reduced that number. Most times it was because we were out and about and picked up lunch or for two of the trips we were renovating our friends' school room and went to get lunch? The jury is still out on that one, but just so that you know, I am totally not okay with $35 in one week on nasty fast food!
- $12.00 SERVICE FEE on my checking account that I haven't had in years. BRUTAL waste of money. We transferred most of our money to savings this month and so it put our balance below the cut off I guess for no service fee. I will be calling these folks!
- We had many random other spendings like $17.25 for bait fish to put in our pond because it is so hot here that our fish don't have the energy to really hunt for their food...we just wanted to make their lives a little easier!!
- Add all of these things to to the $54.70 I spent during the last update and we are at $133.34 so far!! Bad yes, terrible, no!
As far as my grocery budget goes, I think I am still on track to be where I need to be by the end of the month...unless that Blue Bell keeps going on sale. I'm weak friends, very weak!!! In case you missed my post about my new trial grocery budget, you can check it out here. Here is how we are doing so far...
This is what is left of my $400.00 grocery budget
- $213.00 at Sams on (week 1)
- $62.57 at Winn Dixie (week 1)
- $74.53 at Winn Dixie (week 2)
- $25.40 chicken feed (how brutal that their food has to come out of my budget)
I've got $25.00 left to spend on groceries this month. It will require me to be more creative, but lets face it, I've got a freezer full of meat and vegetables and their is no reason I can't make this happen. That $25.00 should only have to be spent on bread, milk, and a few other things to last us until the end of the month!
See you next week for my next update!!

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