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After being at church this morning for the first time in 3 weeks {that is so crazy}, my spirit is overflowing!!! It felt so good to be "home" with everyone and as hard as Satan tried to keep us from going this morning, I am so very thankful that {20 minutes late and all} we still managed to make it.
We had every reason to just "skip" church this morning...bad weather, out late at a bridal shower last night, my Maw Maw in the hospital, I am fighting a horrendous bladder infection, Big Daddy was working, the Saints lost {just joking}, we didn't wake up until 9, I woke up with a horrific catch in my back that kept me from even getting out of the bed...you get the idea right???
But something whispered in my soul that 3 weeks was too long to be away from church and that no matter what, I had to go. So please indulge me for just a sec...
As I went out to the chicken coop this morning, their water container was all messed up, and with the freezing temperatures coming I knew that I had to get it fixed unless I wanted to be outside in the freezing rain later today. As I worked on the waterer, I noticed our chickens. No matter what the situation, they do what they do. No matter what, they go out to the yard and peck around hoping to find just a tiny little critter. It is freezing outside and raining and they are all out pecking around, just as PEACEFUL as can be. If they were still locked up in their coop at this time of the day, something very much out of their routine, they would be completely different creatures. One morning I forgot to let them out and when I went out that afternoon to open up their door, they seemed almost possessed. The flew into the walls, pecked me, flew on top of me, they were LOST without getting what they needed for the day.
As I watched them this morning I realized that when I am distracted by life's hurdles, I become like the chickens {bad analogy maybe, but so true}. I need to be at church, I need to be in my Bible, I need to be studying constantly. When I'm not, I am so out of sorts.
So distant.
These past few weeks have brought huge distractions for me. After Christmas Big Daddy's family came in from Texas to stay with us for a week. We had a great time, but I was very distracted. There was very little time for things that keep me grounded. And, honestly, I didn't make the time.
Tuesday my Maw Maw had hip replacement surgery and while we all thought that it would be a very simple procedure, it has proven to be anything but. First, the doctor's couldn't wake her from the anesthesia {very scary}, now her liver and 1 kidney {already very poor} are not functioning the way that they should. She was given 4 units of blood and her liver is not processing it like it should, it doesn't seem like, and instead of focusing on her hip, she is in a totally different area of the hospital trying to get her liver and kidneys back on track.
I woke up Thursday morning running fever with a brutal bladder infection like I have never had before {for whatever reason I seem to get those alot...TMI??}. I have felt so yucky and just cannot seem to shake it. Again, another distraction.
One thing after another has seemed to happen that just keeps me going off track.
But, deep in my spirit I could almost hear my Savior whisper to me this morning.
When we arrived at church {20 minutes late} I wondered why I even bothered, I could always just have waited until next week. But when the sermon began, I knew that there was a greater purpose for me this morning. God totally used church this morning to bring me back to where I belong.
I needed to be reminded of the supernatural comforter we have in the Holy Spirit.
I needed to be reminded of the warning signs, of the detours in life.
I needed to hear the alarms going off in my own life and see the red flags flying.
I. needed. every. hug.
Sometimes I am unsure if our pastor knows the power of his sermons. Sometimes I wonder if he realizes just how much they touch me. I needed to hear "I Surrender All" played this morning. I needed an "invitation". And maybe I didn't feel that I needed to go forward, but I needed that time alone with my Lord to commune, to repent, to confess, to be in gratitude. This morning I needed that. Often times I need that and this morning I was especially grateful for the service and the invitation. It was just what I was craving, and yearning for.
If ye love me, keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive , because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live , ye shall live also. At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.
- John 14:15-20
I praise God for His Comforter that He has sent to be with me. I know Him and He dwells in me so I am not alone. And when I listen, I can hear what He has to say.
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