Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Do you remember me???

In case you are trying to remember who I am and why you decided to stop by here anyway, let me just say that I am your blog friend {I really am} and while I have been away since OCTOBER 21st {I really couldn't believe that} I have really not been away. I have been faithfully stalking you daily and reading every post, but I have been unable to find the time to write about what has been going on in our lives.

I guess partially because your lives seem so much more eventful, productive, and interesting than anything over here has been.  Why does it always seem that way??

We have been doing great and I am pleased to report that all my shopping is done and my halls are decked!! I will wrap presents this afternoon and then just enjoy the season!!!

I hope that your home is warm and that the holiday spirit has completely taken over!! It is so wonderful to have the girls home with me all day and we very often look out the windows when the frost is on the ground and count our blessings. We have so many of them.

We have been experiencing lots of pondering over here and really having to rely on God for things that we don't understand lately, which is something I don't think we ever want to have to do. A dear friend of ours husband was diagnosed with Stage 4 rectal, colon, and liver cancer as well as bone cancer in his shoulder and arm last week and that has turned our world upside down. He has begun chemo and will be receiving the strongest treatment available until further notice.

He is 34.

She is 31.

They have a six year old baby boy.

He told the doctors he didn't want to know how long he had to live.

It's Christmas.

My heart is so heavy, and so I am doing lots of praying and thinking of how I can help. Please be in prayer for this family. His name is Jamie Navarre. I really have no words to tell you how much things become so irrelevant and how family becomes so much more important than ever before. I have never seen a more strong wife and husband team, and that in and of itself is so glorifying to the Lord who created this very universe. I beg you to pray for this man and for his doctors and for their entire family and support circle.

And I will leave you today with this wonderful song by Casting Crowns called "The Christmas Offering." Enjoy!! And hug your babies extra tight!!

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